- illustrations by Al Kilgore. 作者声明: Marvin Kaye ;
- ill. by Al Kilgore. 作者声明: Marvin Kaye ;
- Usner ;illustrations by Valerie A.Kells. 作者声明: Paul Henson and Donald J.
- Follen.With illustrations by Billings. 作者声明: By Mrs.
- Janssen ;illustrations by Rosa Lopez. 题名其余部分: Arlo T.
- A.Handford ;with illustrations by Brian Robb. 书名/作者 Fables of Aesop /translated by S.
- Hunt ;[illustrations by Jean Seibert]. 作者声明: by Marjorie B.
- Holender;papercut illustrations by Tsirl Waletzky. 作者声明: by Barbara D.
- Seiden ;[illustrations by Anita Kay]. 作者声明: by Othniel J.
- Sorry, I do not ascribe to the heresy propagated by Al Qaida... 俺说托马斯先生,你如果想毁灭,俺说过了,俺随时奉陪,
- Fredericks ;[illustrations by Kay Povelite]. 作者声明: by Anthony D.
- Aitkin, with illustrations by J.B.Yeats. 作者声明: edited by George A.
- Harrison ;illustrations by Kimble Mead. 作者声明: by James S.
- Nesbit ;with illustrations by C.E.Brock. 题名/责任者: The railway children //E.
- Storrie ;illustrations by Aldrin Aw. 作者声明: by Paul D.
- Davis ;illustrations by Christabel King. 书名/作者 The genus GalanthusAaron P.
- Schusterman ;with illustrations by Peg Gerrity. 题名其余部分: editor; Mark A.
- Torrey ;Illustrations by Evan Gillespie. 作者 Leonard Machlis and John G.
- Saddam was also impressed by Al Qaida's attacks on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000. 萨达姆对基地组织2000年月10月袭击美国“科尔号”军舰留下深刻印象。
- Ritter ;illustrations by Richard Merkin. 作者声明: text by Lawrence S.